I remember my first Caipirinha...I also remember the first time I tried to make a Caipirinha and learned what it was I was doing wrong (shhh its a secret). But, I also remember the first time I had perfected a Caipirinha and thus set out on a life long voyage to make Caipirinhas around the world. It asll started with a Caipirinha-Off at about 4:30 in the morning at the "Mercado de Peixe" or "Fish Market" in Rio Vermelho, Salvador da Bahia. I was with my friends, pagode music was playing in the background and endless hole in the wall bars were trying to recruit us to sit at their tables. I told my Brasilian friend that I didnt care where we sat, as long as we could get some french fries and a good Caipirinha.
So we walk to all the bars asking who has the best Caiprinha...Of course, they all say that they make the, "Best Caipirinha in Brasil." Well, we all know this is a lie, because if you ask any Brasilian if anything is good, such as a beach, it will undoubtedly be the best in Brasil. So seemingly enough, one waiter struck out fancy with his Best Caipirnha in Brasil speal and we sat down. The Caipirinhas arrived, and they were horrible. Downright disgusting. It was confirmed and re-affirmed by my friends both American and Brasilian. At that point I was gravely disappointed by the waiter's exaggeration and lies and told him that this Caipirinha was terrible and that even a sober Russian could make a better one. He saw the fire in my eye and apologized, however, that wasnt enough for me. I proceeded to enter the shack that they called a bar, and asked for another one. However, this time, they began to start making it and were doing it all wrong, I couldnt help myself and asked if I could make my own Caiprinha. They seemed not only shocked, but intrigued by the proposition, asked me if I was a bartender and then said, feel free, if you think you can make a better one, go for it. So I did my thing, and low and behold, I made a delicious Caipirinha that was undoubtedly better than the rest.
After I won this self proclaimed "Caipirinha-Off" I knew that the drink of muddled limes, sugar, crushed ice and Cachaça would be a prominent aspect of my life...However, I didnt know that it would become my life.
I remember the first batch of Caipirinhas I made when I moved out to California. I was unemployed and living at my brother's house...trying to be a cool guest, look hard for jobs and help out around the house. One evening, my brother had some people over for a drink, so thus I was immediately appointed to make Caipirinhas for the guests.
It was a new drink for them. One that is very cool to come back from Brasil and make for your friends. Explain what it is, muddle the fruit for them, add lots of sugar, crush the ice on your formica counter tops, shake it up and watch as they curiously sip your exotic concoction. I sit there with a proud smile eager in anticipation of their reaction to the libation I have created and perfected with almost two years of living and traveling in Brasil, searching for the best Cachaça, muddling with love, noting the viscosity of the fresh lime juice and sugar content and splashing the often harsh spirits over uniquely shaped crush ice cubes and seeing that steam drift up as the ice cracks and the Cachaça settles perfectly into the glass. The drink talks to me as I shake it, knowing just the right amount of force needed to seemlessly blend all the ingredients, pour everything back into the glass and wholla...the perfect Caipirinha, constructed by a very passionate gringo...This is what I am good at...maybe I should get a job doing this...Oh right, come see me at Bossa Nova at 8th and Minna for the best Caipirinha in SF, the US and quite possibly between here and Brasil. Ill make your lips tingle with sweetness and tongue quiver with the sour, but in the end, after about three or four, Ill also help you find a taxi so you can get home safe!
So if anyone doubts me, Ill be happy to have a "Caipirinha-Off" and you can be the judge!!!